Occasional users who are aware of the harmful effects of drug use usually abstain during pregnancy. A high percentage of women stop smoking and drinking alcohol soon after proving pregnancy.
Problem drug users and drug addicts spend a lot of energy on getting drugs, their lifestyle is chaotic. For pregnant women, they often postpone prenatal care.
The operation of prostitution to obtain money for drugs or sex for drugs is no exception. In conclusion, the authors state that the use of all types of drugs, including alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, barbiturates and other over-the-counter drugs, can have dangerous effects on the course of pregnancy.
This is mainly because the drug enters the body of the child's fetus via the placenta and endangers its healthy development. The same is true for breastfeeding women, where drugs can enter the baby's body through their milk.
Drug use during pregnancy is a problem that is not only related to drug users and her unborn child, but it is a complex phenomenon, in the solution of which experts from a number of fields (medicine, psychology, social work, law) participate.