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Solitary fibrous tumour of the liver

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Introduction: Solitary fibrous tissue of the liver (STL) is a rare neoplasm of mesenchymal origin. It was first described as a primary pleural tumor.

However, STL can arise at other sites including orbita, menings, thyroid gland, upper respiratory tract, lung, mediastinum, peritoneum and retroperitoneum. Histologically, STL consists of spindle-shaped cells arranged in varying storiform, fascicular and hemangiopericytoma-like patterns.

Imunohistochemistry reveals an expression of CD 34, vimentin, CD 99 and bcl-2-positive cells. The aim of the case report: Point out the importance of the solitary fibrous tumor of the liver (SFT) as a part of differential diagnosis of a single large hepatic mass.

Material and methods: We report a case of a 57-year-old female with a large STL successfully treated by surgical resection. Conclusion: Most STLs follow a benign clinical course, although some may have malignant histological features and recur locally or metastasize.

Surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Little can be said about benefits of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
