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Dimethyl fumarate in a patient with multiple sclerosis and psoriasis : clinical experience

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. Demyelinating processes induced by autoimmune inflammation lead to tzhe destruction of myelin and axons, the loss of which correlates with permanent disability (impaired mobility, vision, numbness).

Unfortunately in patient with autoimmune diseases, the occurence of more than one disease is frequently observed. Autoimmune thyroiditis is most frequently associated with mutliple sclerosis, but type I diabetes mellitus, or psoriasis are no exceptiion.

Currently, dimethyl fumarate is registered in EU countriesas a drug for patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. With regard to clinical experience with esters of fumaric acid in the treatment of psoriasis, room opens up for use dimethyl fumarate for the control of both diseases.