Rudolfian era, the culmination of alchemy in Bohemia is briefly discussed. The influence of highly developed mining and metallurgy is mentioned, and its representative Lazarus Ercker.
Wilhelm of Rosenberg, as the second important maecenas of alchemy is introduced, together with his protégé, Bavor the Younger Rodovsk ý of Hustiřany, the most important Czech alchemist. From the circle of the imperial court, several active alchemists are mentioned, among others, Michael Sendivogius, Michael Maier, and Edward Kelly, actually an impostor.
Besides alchemists, there were further scientists working here, as Tadeáš Hájek (Hagecius), Anselm de Boodt, and mystic Oswald Croll. These personalities are divided into three main groups according to the orientation of their activity.