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Gilles Deleuze and the Concept of Stratification

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In my proposed paper I would like to present that the cosmology proposed by Gilles Deleuze and his co-writer Félix Guattari in Mille Plateaux - Capitalisme et schizophrénie 2 from 1980 is based on their reinterpretation of the Danish linguist Louis Hjelmslev. Because of the Deleuze's a Guattari's aversion to structural linguistics they have understanding for Hjelmslev's work because he is the one (as Deleuze and Guattari assert) who put an end to the dualistic approach to sign (based on the dualism of signifier and the signified).

Hjelmslev in his work really rejects the dualism of signifier and the signified and introduces new concepts which are able (as he is sure) to describe the nature of language itself. These concepts are expression, content, matter, form and substance.

The main terms are expression and content. Both expression and content have a matter, form, and substance, such that you get expression and content.

This is also the main reason why is Hjelmslev interesting for Deleuze and Guattari. But they are using these concepts (especially expression and content) in really different "territory".

Hjelmslev was interested in language, but Deleuze and Guattari form from these concepts specific cosmology. They are saying that everything (from the organisms itself to language, and so on) is stratified.

The stratification is based on the idea of double articulation (that is - on the topic of the expression and the content) which is on one way micromolecular and the other hand macromolecular. This is really a very big twist of a Hjelmslevian theory of language which is now being transcribed as cosmology.

As a cosmology which lies under the Deleuze's and Guattari's thought and which is needed to be revealed. And this cosmology is also constituted semiotically.

So it means that in the end Deleuze's thought about world is a specific asignifying semiotics which works through the concept of stratification.