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One unknown chapter of "The New Balkan" by Vladimir Sis

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The current article assesses Vladimír Sis' notion of the Balkan region in the last chapter of his book "The New Balkan" that had been published as a separate article. At its bottom stood Vl.

Sís' gloomy and a rather pessimistic views of the future of the Balkan peninsula. Furthermore, regarding the aftermaths of the Second Balkan war, he even predicted a military conflict in the region between the Balkan states.

Accordingly, the Czech journalist asserted that the Bucharest peace treaty prevented from transforming the region into one of a peaceful co-existence between different Balkan states. Strangely enough, while Vl.

Sis' stance on Serbs was one of a mild criticism, he bitterly blamed the Greeks and Rumanians for their hypocrisy and treacherous attitude toward Bulgaria. The Czech journalist proposed the view that the only remedy against such a disaster was the establishment of a completely new political and military alliance between Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, and Albania.

The Bulgarian-Serbian cooperation was expected to form the backbone of this new Balkan combination. In the concluding part of the chapter Vl.

Sis argued that the main precondition for such a regional cooperation was incorporation of the Serbian part of Macedonia into Bulgaria. The Czech journalist recommended that Serbs should accomplish their national unification.