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How to sell a migrant domestic worker? Use of ethnographic data in awareness raising campaign

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Organizace panelu "Anthropology in Action" a aktivní přednesení příspěvku. Abstrakt: „Foreign Housekeepers“ was a fake job agency offering migrant domestic workers under very controversial conditions (emhpasising personal qualities of the migrants such as submissive behaviour, ability to work long hours etc.).

The agency was created by a team of anthropologists, NGO workers and digital advertising specialists and the whole campaign was based on detailed ethnographic knowledge of the situation of migrant domestic workers in Czech Republic. In our presentation, we would like to present the results of the campaign as well as of the research that we conducted as part of the same project and discuss both advantages and disadvantages of doing applied anthropology aimed at awareness raising and advocacy.

Our main concerns lay in both methodological and ethical area and thus we would like to raise important questions such as how to structure research methods in applied research, how to work in an interdisciplinary team with proffesionals and NGOs, how to engage the informants in the research etc.