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Selected prosocial constructs in the context of volunteerism

Publikace na Filozofická fakulta |

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The aim of this study is the statistical comparison the level of four independent psychological constructs, i.e. the level of prosocial personality, the level of belief in just world, the level of self-efficacy, and the level of values preferences between sample service women volunteers and the sample of helping women professionals. The research findings signalize, that women volunteers have the higher level of general and personal believe in just word and the higher level self-efficacy.

Their level od personal distress is conversely lower. The research findings indicate also, that women volunteers have statistical higher score in level of value type of self-direction, stimulation, and benevolence and higher level of value orientation of openness to change and self-transcendence, than helping women professionals.

Research findings suggest that women volunteers helping is more based on dispositional personality aspects values, than helping of women professionals.