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Dimethyl fumarate

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Dimethyl fumarate represents new oral treatment option for patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, inflammatory CNS disease, the pathogenesis of which includes autoimmune processes resulting in neurodegeneration. Dimethyl fumarate (and its active metabolite monomethyl fumarate) limits inflammation and myelin and neuronal damage via the Nrf2 pathway and suppression of NFkB pathway.

Relapses of multiple sclerosis are decreased by 49% progression of disability is delayed, MR activity is suppressed. Adverse effects include predominantly gastrointestinal discomfort at the start of treatment and flusing after administration of dimethyl fumarate (probably caused by the release of prostaglandins).

There was no increase in common infection in patients monitored in studies, and no opportunistic infectionss were detected.