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Current possibilities and principles of pharmacotherapy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

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The introduction of long-term immunomodulatory therapy to limit the activities of multiple sclerosis dates from the early nineties of the last century. The first drug used in the treatment of relapsin-remitting sclesrosis was interferon beta, followed by glatiramer acetate.

The development of other drugs was very fast and aimed at verifying the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies and oral medications. These medicaments have proved effective, but with a somewhat poorer safety profile.

In 2014, several new drugs were registered, which should also be put on the market in the Czech Republik.This article summarises the findings of the currently used drugs. The main theme of the publication is the strategy of drug therapy of the first and second choice in patients with a clinically isolated syndrome and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, monitoring therapy, medication switch, escalation of therapy, the issue of pharmacovigilance and therapeutic algorithm.