Mountain lakes in the Bohemian Forest, on both the Czech and German sides, were atmospherically acidified mainly in the 1960s-1980s and have since been recovering from acidification. In 2007, we performed the first complete study on littoral macroinvertebrates in all eight lakes.
The goals of the study were to 1) compare macroinvertebrates in the lakes during the process of recovery and 2) investigate relations between the occurrence of taxa and water chemistry. Lake water pH varied from 4.6 to 5.7, concentrations of dissolved reactive Al and labile Al ranged from 118-601 and 11-470 μg LMINUS SIGN 1, respectively, and DOC concentrations were < 6 mg LMINUS SIGN 1.
Altogether 73 taxa were identified from all lakes; a positive relationship was found between pH and the number of macroinvertebrate taxa. The highest number of taxa was found in the least acidic lakes Laka and Grosser Arbersee, including the mollusk Pisidium casertanum.
In contrast, the lowest diversity was found in the most acidified Čertovo jezero. Cluster analyses of macroinvertebrates and water chemistry suggested pH as the key factor influencing the occurrence of macroinvertebrate taxa.
An interesting finding was the occurrence of the boreo-montane water beetle Nebrioporus assimilis in Prá šilské record of this species in the Czech Republic since 1960.