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The Conflict between the Noble Race and the Tschandala : Is the Guido von List's Legacy Still Current?

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This article arose as a reaction on the translation of the book "Das Geheimnis der Runen" by the occultist Guido von List in the Czech. In this translation List is presented as a respectably scientist whose legacy is still current so this article tries to clear the basic aspects of his radical oppinions and their reception as well.

The writer Gudio von List was convinced to penetrate into the mystery of the Ariogermanic language during the blidness he was suffering for one year at the beginning of the 19th century. Untill the beginning of the World War I he published a lot of books in which he presented his esoteric ideas.

However, many of this meanings are already present in his very early works which had been published befor his eye-illness. In the centre of his teachings there is primerly the race theory.

According to this theory, the noble Germanic race is physically perilled by the members of the ignoble races (Tschandala). Secondly, the teachings consists of the belief that the spirit of the Germanic race is attacked by the members of the Catholic church, democratism, communism and feminism.

The oppinions of List are based on the method called by himself as "intuitiv perception", but disapproved by the academics. In contrary, he was very honoured in the "völkisch" movement, where the society "Guido-von-List- Gesellschaft" made him popular.

However, the suspect method of his work was critized in this movement as well. Some of his meanings were attractive for the National Socialist but after the World War II his books were published only exeptionally.

After 2000 we can observe a List's "Renaissance", but many publishers seem to not understand the right purpose of his works - to give legitimacy to the radical trends in the "völkisch" movement. When his works are now published again, is still necessary to introduce them in the appropriate historical context.