The conference was held on the occasion of the 90th birthday of one of the greatest political scientists in the world. Giovanni Sartori is one of the "founding fathers" of post-war European political science and his theories and concepts have influenced whole generations of political scientists.
Many of these have never been surpassed thus the Sartorian legacy is still very useful even in current scientific discourse. The conference was organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague and was under the auspices of His Excellency Pasquale D'Avino, Ambassador of Italy to the Czech Republic and His Magnificence Tomáš Zima, Rector of Charles University in Prague.
The event took place in the historical hall of the Baroque Chapel at the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague. The conference program was introduced with a keynote speech made by Professor Gianfranco Pasquino, long-term collaborator of Sartori, on general aspects of Sartorian science.
The keynote speech was followed by two panels with notable speakers who dealt with Sartorian theories in general (morning session) and give particular attention to the theory of party systems (afternoon session).