This paper provides new data on the occurrence of 46 lichens from the area of Hrubý Jeseník Mts and Králický Sněžník Mts. Actual distribution of mentioned species in the Czech Republic is briefly discussed in the comments.
The majority of valuable records is from Ca-enriched siliceous rocks in the mountain and alpine zone which are very rare in the country. The paper also includes findings of epiphytic lichens from avenues along roads and an old-growth beech-spruce forest.
The most interesting records are represented by e.g. Cladonia incrassata, Normandina acroglypta, N. pulchella, Peltigera leucophlebia, P. venosa, Protopannaria pezizoides, Rhizocarpon macrosporum, Solorina saccata, Sphaerophorus globosus, Sporodictyon schaererianum, Thelidium methorium, and Thelopsis melathelia