National Medical Library (NML) in 2013 developed a web application allowing storage of full-text scientific works by authors themselves (self-archiving) using the portal Medvik in the Digital Library of NML. Self-archiving was verified on a particular author - a Czech physician and biochemist.
In the first phase an analysis of his publications was made, where it was verified, how much publications the author has mentioned in the BMC databases, PubMed , Embase , Scopus, WoS , GoogleScholar and his personal website. A mutual comparison was made between the databases and the author's page.
It was examined whether the works which are not part of the BMC can be included. The works were further divided into those, where the author is listed as the first author, whether the works were published in the Czech Republic or abroad, according to the document type to articles, articles in books, abstracts, monographs, final reports, chapters in monographs, etc.
For each category possibilities of self-archiving and access to the public were tested. For works published in the Czech Republic we used the Copyright Act and the actual Civil Code as the main resources.
For foreign works the possibility of archiving was verified using the SHERPA/Romeo service. During the process of self-archiving itself, the author is able to select the copyright license (Creative Commons) that determines how the document can be treated by other users.
During the study it has proved to be important to add the choice to archive the document, but the document will not be available to the public as it is not authorized by the publisher, or this information is not available, or if the author is not sure whether it is allowed by the co-authors. Currently it is only possible to archive documents that have bibliographical record in BMC - in the future the ability to archive works not included in the BMC will be added.