Endocrinology for practice is a comprehensible modern monograph on endocrine diseases. Chapters are clearly structured describing etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic process, differential diagnosis and therapy.
Frequent and clinically most important diseases are stressed in more detail, but less frequent and rare diseases are also mentioned with the goal to direct the reader to the correct diagnosis. The book brings up-to-date informations and points at modern clinically most relevant diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Providing the reader with variants of possible procedures it creates the basis for personalized endocrine care. The target readers of this monograph are endocrinologists in practice, physicians of other specalities and young physicians in preparation for practice searching clear information in some endocrine problem.
Current endocrinology has evolved in many fields. The clinical picture of some diseases has changed as some are frequently diagnosed on biochemical basis earlier than the full symptomatology develops (i.e. hypothyreoidism, hyperparathyroidism).
In the last decades we have witnessed discoveries in the etiology of various endocrine diseases and new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities. Modern surgery, radiotherapy and pharmacotherapy of endocrinopathies completely changed the perspectives of many endocrine patients and their quality of life.
We should be aware of the evolving changes of current endocrinology and that is the aim of this publication.