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History without philosophy of history : events, rifts, signs

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The author thinks about the distance of the "history of historians" from the "philosophical history" and asks a question, whether the philosophy has still something sensible to say about the history. His ideas are based on the assumption that the refusal of the philosophy of history does not mean denial of historicity.

On the contrary, one can hold certain theoretical explanations or certain conception of history only because he understands them. Philosophical questioning of some "historical outside" are then based on the assumption that in some sense it is necessary to think about history in singular - as about a whole that captures the universal history of the world.

This perspective has as its correlate a certain perception of time based on the so-called "worldwide now" - that history is happening everywhere, whatever happens, happens as the moment of this time. If we unit the time and the "world" extension, we create a philosophical foundation on which the universal history can be built.