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Balancing Evidence about Jehu and Joash in Ancient Near East Texts - Critical Reassessment

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


Kings of Israel Jehu (803-787 BCE) and Joash (803-787 BCE), both ruling in the second half of the 9th century BCE, represent possibly descendents of the influential Omride dynasty. This inference, which is not advocated by many scholars, lies in two recognitions.

Firstly, that appellation DUMU m-u-u-ri-i (i.e. son/descendent of Omri) documented in Assyrian sources relates by bloodline to Jehu is not just gentilic or an error of scribes. Secondly, that the ambiguous double patronymic in 2 Kings 9 verses 2 and 14 and 14:8 connects these kings to one another (grandfather-grandson) and Jehu in the same way to Nimshi who was sibling of Ahab and, therefore, son of Omri.