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Theresia von Sternberg : The Life of Noblewoman in the 19th Century

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The aim of this study is to depict the life of Theresia von Sternberg (1819- 1873), née von Stadion-Thannhausen. Although the research of an archive material led to presenting the Countess as average and unremarkable, the look at her private life represents an interesting insight.

At the background of Countess' life, the author presents a certain prototype of a noblewoman of the 19th century and simultaneously offers an insight into the family and everyday life of aristocratic circles. This work is based on the currently unpublished primary sources, primarily the so called ego-documents (family correspondence and Countess' personal diary).

Furthermore, the personal documents of official nature - a marriage contract, a testament or an inventory of the deceased and others - were utilized as well.