Prof. MUDr Karel Weigner was the head of Department of Anatomy Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague.
He was the main representative of the Czechoslovac Anatomy Department in the period between the two World Wars. He was born 10.4.1874 in the small town of Batelov and died 20.11.1937 in Prague.
His professional career was amazing. At the beginning of his professional life as an anatomist he solved the structure, anatomical mutual relations and development of some cranial nerves and their ganglia.
Later, for a period of many years he concentrated on topograpical anatomy. He published in five volumes clinically oriented to Topographical Anatomy 1925-1938 which to this day are used by, not only medical students but also surgeons.
With this excellent textbook he became the founder of Czech surgical anatomy. Weigner was twice elected Dean of the Medical Faculty and during 1936-1937 was rector of the University.