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Dentoalveolar surgery. Test 1: necrotizing sialometaplasia - an oral cancer - mimicking lesion

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Necrotizing sialometaplasia is a relatively rare, benign,self-healing pathological condition affecting predominantly palatal minor salivary glands. Etiopathogenesis of these lesions is still not well understood, they are considered to be salivary gland infarction.

The clinical and in some cases also histopathologic features of necrotizing sialometaplasia mimic certain types of oral cancer or manifestations of benign, but serious systemic or local oral diseases. Necrotizing sialometaplasia resolves spontaneously within 3 to 12 weeks, therefore, no specific treatment is necessary.

If there is an uncertainty in diagnosis and/or lesion doesn't heal the incisional or excisional biopsy is indicated.