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Diplomatic activity Saxon Elector Christian II. Prague 1609

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Saxon Elector Christian II and his counselors have entered negotiations between Emperor Rudolf II. and Bohemian states of "liberum exercitium religionis" 1608-1609 formally as an independent party. Their primary interest was to defend the institution of the Empire, the threat would mean the loss of stability of government in Saxony.

At the same time trying to maintain good relations with the Bohemian states, its political and religious requirements increasingly influenced the political situation in Central Europe. The main thesis of Saxon diplomats (Johann Georg Gödelmann, Hans Melchior von Wittau and Marcus Gerstenberg), who participated in the meeting in Prague, the request was a constructive compromise solution to the dispute, achieved peacefully.

They simultaneously eliminate the emergence of possible outbreaks of dangerous conflicts in the immediate vicinity of Saxony. Although their activities in Prague can be evaluated positively, we know that the decisive moment left an unbiased opinion.

This was reflected in the negotiations on the Unity of the Brethren (Unitas Fratrum) requirements, which have seen their influence policy Elector Palatine political enemy, and vice versa in their direct support of Lutheran oriented Bohemian politicians. Help Elector Christian II during the political crisis emperor was not selfless.

His political and diplomatic actions were motivated by a desire to strengthen their own prestige and filling power and territorial ambitions in the empire - the acquisition of the Duchy of Jülich and Cleve.