Bell from 1393 is hanging in the south tower of church of st. Thomas in Brno.
In the Latin inscription bears the legend written in majuscules names of donors, which were Moravian Margrave Jošt and Prokop. In the inscription is also noticed the name of bell-founder, John (Ioannes) Burgess of Vienna, together with the city, whence came.
Unfortunately just this word is badly legible. Based on rigorous analysis we would tend to read the city studies the origin as Aystet, an important medieval town in Bavaria (in the present called Eichstätt).
It can therefore be regarded as quite reliable place of origin. Besides the bell hanging in Brno John of Aystet also founded bells at St.
George (Svätý Jur) near Bratislava (Slovakia) (1400) and Gobelsburg in Lower Austria (1410). Typical phenomenon of this era is replacing of the Gothic Capital letters with minuscule characters, as John of Aystet used to do.
Work of the Viennese bellfounder John characterize many progressive elements which correspond with the development of bell foundry in central Europe.