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Popularization of Physics by Using an Interactive Show

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Our contribution describes two long-term projects and activities organized by the Department of Physics Education (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Prague) for secondary school students. The activities are called "Physics Through All Senses" and "Magical Physics" and they have much in common - in both cases we have prepared a 90 minutes-long set of experiments performed not as a lecture with an exact theoretical background, but as an interactive show engaging students in it.

The project "Magical Physics" started in spring 2011 and it is focused on physical measurements with dataloggers. The experiments make a series of a story "The Voyage to Mars" and we emphasize here the inter-disciplinary relations mainly between biomechanics, biology and chemistry.

The project "Physics Through All Senses" started in autumn 2012 and the homonymous show contains almost thirty experiments divided into groups according to human senses. More than 3 000 students have seen our performances till now.