Dictionary follows the historical and prosopographic development, which passed Theological Faculty of the University of Prague in the years 1891-1990. It is composed of three parts: Faculty of Theology Czech University in Prague (1891-1950), Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty in Prague (1950-1990), Faculty of Theology of the German University in Prague (1882/91-1945).
The aim of this dictionary was to revive the memory of a series of often unjustly forgotten figures and remember the unique form of former national utraquism of the Catholic Church in the Czech Lands, which despite transnationally -based and pre-modern institutions and structures increasingly proceeded in different ways. Sudeten German Catholicism steered from the sterile austrocatholic "captivity" in the womb religiously and theologically dynamic German Church (exogenous shock 1938-1945, this process accelerated violently ), Czech Catholicism then to a specific diasporic situation of extremely secular post-war society.