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Analysis of patients poisoned by methanol in Czech Republic



After outbreak of the Czech mass methanol affair in 2012 were collected at the Department of Occupational Medicine (1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague) sets of clinical data, which are processed throught the formal statistical analysing. After outbreak of the Czech mass methanol affair in 2012 were collected at the Department of Occupational Medicine (1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague) sets of clinical data, which are processed throught the formal statistical analysing.

The aim of this paper is to provide basic information about the statistical treatment of the two data sets that are differentiated especially by type of applied hemodialysis machine (for intermittent hemodialysis /IHD/ vs. continuous veno-venous hemodialysis-hemodiafiltration /CVVHD/), by the severity of metabolic acidosis (pH, base deficit, HCO3 etc.) and a series of overt or hidden subclinical consequences of acute intoxication.