A survey of the current state of access to electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) at public universities in the Czech Republic was conducted in 2014. The aim of the survey was to examine acquisition, evidence and accessing metadata and full text of ETDs.
Sub-questions of the survey also focused on copyright issues related to the accessibility of ETDs, the possibility of denial an access to full texts and support of the ETDs plagiarism detection. The survey mainly followed similar questionnaires realized by the ETDs Working Group AKVŠ ČR.
Responses have been validated against publicly available sources and compared against the more recent surveys. The research shows that all public high schools collect ETDs in electronic form.
The number of schools that provide public access to ETDs in accordance with § 47b of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions significantly increased. Only a minimum of schools still provide no open access, require university consent to permit an access, or impose other significant barriers to obtain a full text.
For the first time in the history of surveys on the topic of the current state of accessing ETDs in the Czech Republic we were able to obtain and evaluate responses from all public universities.