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Chironomids of extreme habitats in the Czech Republic

Publikace na Přírodovědecká fakulta |

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The biology of chironomids with special emphasis on the genus Chironomus was studied in extreme habitats - saline inland pools and extremely acidic small artificial lakes and pools. C. aprilinus inhabited all suitable pools within the conductivity range 5.000-16.000 µ

The density of C. aprilinus larvae increased with increasing salinity reaching maximum densities at salinities >9.000 µ Analysis of phenology revealed a bivoltine pattern with a maximum of the summer generation larvae in June-July and those of the overwintering generation in October to November.

C. crassimanus/acerbiphilus seems to be an acidobiont species in the Czech Republic found in habitats with pH<3, only. Laboratory experiments proved, however, significant tolerance of larvae to higher pH values.

The taxonomy of this species is discussed.