Stieg Larsson's famous trilogy Millennium (Män som hatar kvinnor, 2005; Flickan som lekte med elden, 2006; Luftslottet som sprängdes, 2007) has been translated from Swedish into Czech and published in the Czech Republic as Milénium at the Brno-based publishing house Host (the first part "Muži, kteří nenávidí ženy" in 2008, the second one "Dívka, která si hrála s ohněm" in 2009 and the third one "Dívka, která kopla do vosího hnízda" in 2010). The books have become bestsellers in the Czech Republic and have been so far sold in several hundred thousand copies.
This article is based on material comprising around 35 Czech reviws on Millennium and deals with selected thematic sections in the Czech reception of the books. The very positive reception with an increasing number of objections in the case of the second and third part is interpreted as reviewers' "Bourdieusian" game.
The male and female critics' different strategy regarding the first and the other parts is noted. The next question is how the Czech reviewers commented Larsson's position between the so-called low and high genres.
The last two sections describe the Czech critics' opinions on the author's picture of Sweden and how they viewed Millennium from the Czech social and political everyday life perspective.