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Phenomenology as working philosophy : de-limitation, enrichment of sense, institution of the new

Publikace na Fakulta humanitních studií |

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This study examines phenomenology as working philosophy (Arbeitsphilosophie), that is, as an open research project. The main aim of the study consists in determining the mode of performance (Vollzugsweise) of the phenomenological work in progress.

To achieve this goal we provide an analysis of the doctrine of attitude (Part I.), the doctrine of method (Part II.), and then the "flexible" architectonics (Part III.) of phenomenology. These elaborations enable us to thematize the de-limitation of consciousness (Entschränkung), the enrichment of sense (Sinnbereicherung) and the institution of the new as the characteristic features of the phenomenological method of operating.

This research project requires a constant oscillation between an open systematization of Edmund Husserl's philosophy and particular phenomenological analyses.