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Selected Research Findings on Pupils of Informatics Subjects in Elementary Schools

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In 2013 a research study concerning the status and development of information technology competencies in primary and lower-secondary school pupils in the Czech Republic was realized. The target research group was informatics teachers and their pupils.

The primary research method was a questionnaire that was provided to teachers, through which relevant data from more than 1000 primary and lower-secondary schools were obtained. Those interested in greater participation in research from 167 schools were then invited to participate further with a request for assistance with organization in the direction of completing the questionnaire for the pupils.

The questionnaires were administered electronically and contained 7 comprehensive questions with a total of 15 sub-queries. In this manner, data from 2,173 pupils in 112 schools were obtained.

This paper presents the conceptual characteristics of select pupil's questionnaire results which complement other results in applied methods research.