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Violence Against Women in Intimate Partnership: First Findings of Follow-up Research to IVAWS 2003

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The project "Intimate Partner Violence: Follow-up Research to IVAWS 2003" represents a continuing of the main themes of the IVAWS 2003. Concurrently, some new phenomena, especially violence against men and stalking victimization, have emerged in intimate partner violence related debate.

The aim of the project is not only a simple replication of the IVAWS 2003 study. It strives to research the phenomenon of the violence in intimate partnership in its complexity, diversity and dynamics.

Furthermore, it focuses also on some new issues which have not been yet adequately analyzed in the Czech Republic, i.e. female - to - male intimate partner violence and the phenomenon of stalking victimization. What is the incidence of different forms of female intimate victimization in 2013 compared to 2003? How perception of violent behavior between intimate partners has changed - if changed - in the Czech society? These are some of many questions we are looking reply via our research.

The article introduces first findings from the survey sector dealing with male-to-female violence carried out in the Czech Republic in July 2013.