The thesis titled "The Evolution of communication activities for pupils in grades 1-3 at primary school" based on the existing knowledge on the topic present their own knowledge through research, which focuses on the area of communication education, the development of communication activities in the educational process, and the education of Czech and Vietnamese pupils in the educational area of the language and the language of communication. In the theoretical part of the thesis systematize the existing knowledge relating to the topic and consider them starting points for the development.
The main objective of the work, based on the empirical investigation, is to create and present an evolution of communication activities for pupils of younger school age during their first training period with regard to the education of pupils from the Vietnamese ethnicity. The research topic is further divided into intermediate objectives, to whose fulfillment the work is going.
The practical part is focused on the description of the project research, research investigations, evaluation of the data and knowledge gained from our own pedagogical practice. The work is an effort intended to contribute to the enrichment of educational theory and practice by presenting supporting documents which could be used in the teaching of didactics in higher undergraduate studies and subsequently even in regular classes at primary schools where there are students with a foreign mother tongue.
Through this dissertation I submit also information on the implementation and results of the research project, which was supported by the Grant Agency of the Charles University in 2010.