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Ocular toxoplasmozis - seeking strategy of treatment Ocular toxoplasmozis - seeking strategy of treatment Ocular toxoplasmozis - seeking strategy of treatment

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of two following therapeutical regimens in the therapy of the ocular form of toxoplasmosis: 1) combination of pyrimethamin+clindamycin (or sulfadiazin)+corticosteroid and 2) azithromycin alone, or azithromycin+corticosteroid, or corticosteroid alone. One measure of effectivity was the number of disease relapses.

Material and methods: A total of 22 patients treated for the ocular form of toxoplasmosis during the period 2008-2013 were analyzed in two groups. First group containing 16 patients and second group containing 6 patients were treated by regimens 1 and 2, respectively.

Results: The patients in the group 1 exhibited faster improvement of ocular symptoms (10,7 days) compared to the group 2 (29,6 days).Similarly, patients in group 1 experienced only 5 relapses (13 patients had no relaps at all), while all the patients in group 2 had a relaps (a total of 13 relapses). Twenty-three patients tested positive for specific IgG antibodies.

Conclusion: Based on these results, the combination of pyrimethamin + clindamycin (or sulfadiazin)+corticosteroid should be a treatment of choice for ocular toxoplasmosis.