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Election reforms proposed during the existence of the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918 - 1938) as viewed by Otakar Krouský, Josef Kliment and Franitšek Weyr

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Compared to the neighboring countries, the political system in Czechoslovakia between the two world wars appeared to be an island of democracy in Central Europe, particularly after the seizure of power in Germany by the Nazis and the annexation of Austria by the German Reich. Still, however, various aspects of the democratic system in Czechoslovakia were criticized by some theoreticians and politicians, also from democratic points of view.

This applies also to the electoral system. The whole system based on political parties became one of the crucial problems of Czechoslovak democracy.

The parties acquired too much influence in the state administration. In spite of the questionable features of the party role in the country's political system there were some advocates of it.

Therefore, neither the electoral system nor the structure of political parties changed until 1938.