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Comparison of different methods for obtaining snow avalanche data

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Still developing avalanche hazard mapping tools and procedures offer more options that provide more accurate risk and hazard localization. Validation of run-out models strictly depend on quality of recorded historical avalanche data like avalanche outline and release high.

More accurate information about historical avalanches to let obtain more real - factual, topical, concrete avalanche characteristics (like release area, flow high and profile, run-out distance and total amount of release snow mass) and next to it they make better model calibration. Incorrectly validated (elaborated) models and their results can influence decisions-making which directly leads to safety of humans.

In this reason all these analyses must be prepared through very sensitive studies. Usual lack of high quality data on historical avalanches is often caused by high risk which permanently exists within avalanche area.

Study shows comparison test of different remote sensing methods, such as photogrammetric methods or rangefinder measurements which allow obtaining avalanche data with strong emphasis on the measurement safety.This test also evaluates these methods in context of optimizing measurement time and their costs. Test sites in the Tatra Mountains in Carpathian were chosen for this study.