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"The Scriptures testify on me behalf" (John 5:39) : The Theological Prospective of the Old Testament in the "Dei verbum" and in the Postconciliar Period

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty, Catholic Theological Faculty |


The text focuses on the exclusively Christian approach to the Old Testament writings, which in aggreement with the Patristic tradition is held by the 3rd chapter of the dogmatic constitution "Dei verbum", without mentioning any other possible approaches to the Old Testament texts that are known in the academic sphere. In a certain tension to this interpretative unabiguity express their statement some after-conciliar documents, e.g.

Pontifical Biblical Commission, "The Jewish People and its sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible", where the polysemantic character of the literary sense as a base for the religious dialog between Jews and Christians is supposed.