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The map of selected features of local identity in selected area pf Local Action Group (LAG) České středohoří



The map of selected features of local identity in selected area of Local Action Group (LAG) České středohoří (Czech Central Mountains) shows three types of landscape components mapped in the interest area of the project in 2013-2014. The first group of depicted components consists of selected natural values, here represented by memorable trees.

Natural values protected by the Act no. 114/1992 Coll. on Nature and Landscape Protection in the categories: protected tree, natural park, specially protected small-sized area are included into the map mainly because of the illustrative overview. It is obvious that the area is valuable in terms of natural values - it is subject to special protection for the most parts.

The map provides an overview of these components in order to protect them. The second group of depicted components consist of small sacred and secular monuments.

In their neighbourhood, inter alia, the presence of riparian vegetation was found. The third group of components includes partition of the territory into landscape units and spaces, which are the result of preventive assessment of the landscape character.

Each of these component groups is separately characterized.