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The Biblical Interpretation at the Beginning of the 21st Centrury: The Status and a Vision

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty, Catholic Theological Faculty |


The paper presents an overview of the situation of the biblical scholarship after the beginning of the 21st century. After a brief historical introduction the factors are specified that have influenced a present-day positive acceptance of the methodological pluralism.

Nevertheless the keystone of the biblical interpretation remains Historical Criticism that combines a diachronic a synchronic approach to ancient texts and that in comparison with its beginning achieved certain innovations. A great expansion enjoy in out times the interpretative approaches, which are not a method in proper sense, but rether specific aspects of interest that bring a reader to understanding and to the actualization of a text.

Majority of the approaches have as common denominator an intense orientation of the role of a reader in the process of interpretation. From the hermeneutical point of view is desirable to see a texts as an open reality that offers ever new interpretations.