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Measuring recreation benefits of forest quality change with contingent behavior model

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The paper presents a travel cost study which was conducted for the purpose of estimating a recreation value to the Jizerske hory Mountains in the Czech Republic. The value of forest recreation was derived using a single site travel cost model with count data models.

The welfare change of recreation users associated with forest quality change was estimated using contingent behavior model, which relies on both observed behaviors and stated behaviors of visitors. Both actual trips and intended trips were pooled under the hypothetical scenario to estimate the value of forest quality change.

Relevant information about visitors, their actual trip and recreation attitudes was gathered through an on-site survey in 2005. A total of 312 questionnaires were completed.

The consumer surplus per trip to the site under the current conditions was about 713 CZK using Poisson model, 2,168 (negative binomial) and 2,248 CZK (generalized negative binomial). There was significant evidence of overdispersion that is why the negative binomial regression model was preferred to the Poisson model.

The decrease in the welfare change in the access value associated with the impacts of air pollution on the quality of forest ecosystems was estimated at 462 CZK for one trip.