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Long-range heteronuclear coupling constants in 2,6-disubstituted purine derivatives

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


Four- and five-bond heteronuclear J-couplings between the hydrogen H-8 and carbons C-6 and C-2 in a series of 7- and 9-benzyl substituted purine derivaties with variuous substituents in positions 2 and 6 were studied by coupled (13) C NMR and H,C-HMBC experiments and by DFT calculations. We have found that for some of the derivatives, the five-bond coupling H8-C2 is higher than the four-bond H8-C6 coupling, which is also evidenced by a stronger crosspeak in the HMBC.

This finding contradicts the generally accepted opinion that only strong three-bond crosspeaks and one weak four-bond H8-C6 crosspeak can be observed in the HMBC spectra of purine derivatives. The misinterpretation of HMBC spectra may lead to an incorrect determination of the purine derivatives' structure.