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Czech Case Law on United Nations UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) no. 155, Abstracts, CLOUT Cases 1450-1452: A/CN.9/SER.C/ABSTRACTS/155



Abstracts of Cases relating to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Czech Republic: Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, 32 Odo 725/2004, K., a.s. v. H.P.P., a.s.(29 March 2006), Czech Republic: Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, 32 Cdo 824/2007, L.L.G. & C.

K. v. K.a.S. (25 June 2008), Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, 23 Cdo 1308/2011, Ideal Bike Corporation v.

IMPEX spol. s r.o. (17 December 2013).