The publication is focused on the personality of Petr Chelcicky, a genuine thinker and an intellectual predecessor to Unnitas Fratrum (Jednota bratrska). The first part of the publication deals with his life and work described by Jan Rokyta.
The second part contains extraxts of lesser-known writings of Chelcicky, translated by the author in collaboration with Michaela Hashemi, a professor of Masaryk University in Brno. Within the first part of 136 pages, the publication deals with basic topics of Chelcicky: the problem of secular authority, the theme of Antichrist, human salvation and Chelcicky's relationship to the bible.
In the second, mirror-like composed part, the topics illustrate the extracts of Chelcicky writtings. These texts are more intelligible than the previously published publications of Chelcicky writtings, because they are united by somewhat archaic translation which corresponds with the so-called reader's edition.