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Magnetic fabric of the Říčany granite, Bohemian Massif

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Říčany pluton represents an elliptical shallow-level intrusion made up of outer, more fractionated, strongly porphyric granite and inner, less evolved, weakly porphyritic granite. Mesoscoic foliation defines an onion-skin pattern and corresponds well to the magnetic (AMS) foliations.

Magnetic leneation plunges shallowly (0-20 degrees) and is subparallel to the contact in the outer part of the pluton, whereas in the pluton center lineation dips steeply (60-70 degrees) with variable trends. We inerpret the fabrics in the pluton as being a result of helical flow, whereby faster subvertical flow in the outer, higher-viscosity (phenocryst-rich) margin.