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Psychodiagnostic methods inside the model of psychological processes in chronic pain

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Poster presents a dissertation project, studying mental processes in chronic pain. Pain elicits affective, cognitive and behavioral processes of adaptation.

Their function is to protect the integrity of organism, assist with return to health or with adaptation to life with residual pain. Dynamic model of psychological processes (DM) designed by Pain Management Center in Motol hospital, Prague (CLB) comprises of eight consecutive and three feedback (mal)adaptive processes.

Czech pain inventories and characteristic profiles of their scores are available. Atypical profiles suggest comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders.

The pain becomes a surrogate symptom leading away to inappropriate therapy. Pain inventories scores will be compared to those of PSSI inventory.

The sample will consist of 200 patients of the Military Rehabilitation Facility in Slapy suffering from musculoskeletal pain. The aim of the study is to refine the DM and to find possible causes of atypical profiles.