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The Course and Character of Sleepwalking in Adulthood: A Clinical and Polysomnographic Study

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


To describe characteristics of adult sleepwalking (potential triggers and correlates with polysomnography), 52 patients were interviewed regarding their sleepwalking episodes and underwent video-polysomnography on two consecutive nights. Sleepwalking history averaged 12 years and frequent episodes (more than once per week) occurred in 62%.

Higher frequency was associated with earlier onset of sleepwalking (p < 0.005) and 53.8% reported dangerous sleepwalking behavior. The most common self-reported triggers were sleep deprivation and stressful events, while no specific trigger was reported in 37% of patients.

More awakening from slow-wave sleep was associated with a higher frequency of sleepwalking episodes (p < 0.001). A longer history of sleepwalking was associated with more sleepwalking episodes, even without the presence of sleep comorbidities or other known precipitating factors.