We find quite often archaeological evidence of processing grapes and olives in the Roman province of Dalmatia and part of the Italian Regio X Histria. Among the archaeologically detected proofs of this important agricultural production belong not only the pressing room with different equipment (fruit mill - trapetum, pressing device type prelum), but also a warehouse for finished products (cella olearia / vinaria).
Many authors inform us about these tools and architecture (Vitruvius), agriculture (Pliny the Elder, Cato the Elder, Varo, Columella), and gastronomy (Apicius). Considerable differences in wine/oil production are noted between these two regions.
Unequal representation of production centers on the coast of Histria, with less evidence in Dalmatia, a pattern that is more visible on a map. At the same time pressing rooms in Dalmatia have more modest dimensions (maximum 5 presses in pressing room).
This poster provides a new comprehensive map of all known Roman sites linked to the production of wine/oil, ground plans and photographs of sites, and a step by step explanation of the procedure of processing grapes and olives to the finished product.