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The Basis of New Religion Project by T. G. Masaryk

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


T.G. Masaryk in his first published work, habilitation thesis entitled Suicide as a social phenomena takes up some contemplations concerning reasons of suicide rate increase in the end of the 19th century.

One of reasons can be more intensive decrease of religion cultivation among societies and entities. Masaryk introduces a solution, i.e. project of new religion that assures people about their ideas, and could be independent from the Catholic church.

The analysis of religious terms introduced by Masaryk show that new religion seems to be closer to Christianity (protestantism), and, in fact, is rather humanist religion that lacks of reffering to revelation, and confirming the divinity of Jesus. Masaryk's arguments, developer in further studies, still are up-to-date and inspiring not only for Masaryk-ideas-research, but also for contemporary philosophy.