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Research on Pupils' Preconceptions of Intellectual Disability in a Context of the Current Changing Paradigm of Education in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The poster presents qualitative research on the pupils' preconceptions of intellectual disability. The research question is formulated as follows: What understanding of and what attitudes do primary school pupils have towards intellectual disability? The research sample included 10 pupils with normal intellectual capacity (4 boys and 6 girls) from mainstream primary schools in the Czech Republic.

The pupils aged 10 to 15 years were from various socio-cultural backgrounds. The core research method of data collection involved phenomenographic interviews which presented a suitable diagnostic tool for detailed analysis of pupils' preconceptions.

Partly standardised questioning was implemented and the questions focused on pupils' experiences, opinions, and knowledge (cognitive dimension), as well as emotions and attitudes (affective dimension) towards intellectual disability. Pupils' responses were contextualised and coded via the MAXODA 10 software.

The qualitative data analysis enabled the creation of semantic categories, and consequently to propose hypotheses for statistical testing within the scope of future quantitative research.