Primary hyperaldosteronism (PH) is common cause of endocrine/secondary hypertension with autonomous aldo-sterone overproduction by adrenal cortex. PH is typically characterized by hypertension, hypokalemia, high plasma aldosterone/renin ratio, high aldosterone, suppressed renin and nonsupressibilty of aldosterone during confirmatory tests.
Diagnosis of PH can be difficult since hypokalemia is found only in 50 % of cases and measurement of the parameters of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system can be influenced by several factors. Morphological dia-gnosis requires in majority of cases adrenal venous sampling.
Early diagnostic and therapeutic measures are very important due to high prevalence of PH and potential cure. Patients with suspicion to PH should be investigated in experienced hypertensive centers due to relatively difficult laboratory and morphological diagnostic approaches.